
Friday, January 29, 2016

Kaipapau Bunkers - Workout for today!

Instead of my usual video for a workout, my husband and I did a hike today.  A workout doesn't have to be in a gym or at your house- getting out and enjoying the nature around you is a great way to stay in shape!  I'm fortunate enough to live somewhere where finding hikes are easy and beaches to snorkel, kayak, go paddle boarding, etc. are all around.  Today my husband and I found a hike pretty much  right around the corner from where we live.  It was about 4 miles round trip and took us about 3 hours.  It was absolutely beautiful and it was the perfect difficulty for being 6 months pregnant.  There were 3 bunkers- one right after the other. 
Even if you don't feel hikes are good for you at your stage of pregnancy, you can still go for a nice long walk/jog or whatever you are comfortable with.  You'll feel better and get some fresh air while you're out there. 

 *Make sure you aren't doing anything that puts too much strain on you or doing anything new!  Keep it safe!

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