
Staci's Pregnancy Workouts

Chest and Triceps!
 For today's workout moves I did some push-ups, regular and modified, as well as tricep dips- also regular and modified.  Very basic moves but if done properly and focused on enough, can get you great results. 

Make sure on your push-ups that your back stays flat, hips and torso are straight, your shoulders are even with your hands, and your shoulders are back.  If you can't keep your back flat, modify by putting your knees on the ground.  Just lower your chest to the ground with your head and neck in neutral position (you should be looking straight down as you go down and come back up). Really try to keep it nice and controlled.
As some us pregnant ladies are further along, our babies might be bigger making push-ups harder.  If this is the case just use a wall for your push-ups or try other chest moves like chest presses with light dumbbells.

For the tricep dips, also keep your back nice and straight. Position your hands shoulder-width apart (make sure the chair or bench you are using is stable!)  If you don't have a chair or bench to use, just use the ground. Next you will slide your butt off the front of the chair with your legs extended out in front of you. Straighten your arms, keeping a little bend in your elbows to keep tension on your triceps and off your elbow joints.  Then slowly bend your elbows to lower your body toward the floor until your elbows are at about a 90-degree angle. Be sure to keep your back close to the bench. When you reach the bottom of the movement, press down into the bench to straighten your elbows, returning to the starting position. If you need to modify and make the move a bit easier, you can bend your legs as I do in the last part of the video.  If tricep dips are too hard for you, you can try other tricep moves such as tricep extensions or pull-downs. 

Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps for push-ups and 15-20 reps tricep dips- if you can!  Don't strain or sacrifice form.  Do what you can. :)

*Make sure you check with your doctor before attempting any exercise program, especially if pregnant.

 Kaipapau Bunkers - Hike for our Workout Today!

Instead of my usual video for a workout, my husband and I did a hike today.  A workout doesn't have to be in a gym or at your house- getting out and enjoying the nature around you is a great way to stay in shape!  I'm fortunate enough to live somewhere where finding hikes are easy and beaches to snorkel, kayak, go paddle boarding, etc. are all around.  Today my husband and I found a hike pretty much in right around the corner from where we live.  It was about 4 miles round trip and took us about 3 hours.  It was absolutely beautiful and it was the perfect difficulty for being 6 months pregnant.  There were 3 bunkers- one right after the other. 
Even if you don't feel hikes are good for you at your stage of pregnancy, you can still go for a nice long walk/jog or whatever you are comfortable with.  You'll feel better and get some fresh air while you're out there. 

*Make sure you aren't doing anything that puts too much strain on you or doing anything new!  Keep it safe!

Ab Workout

Hey everyone!  I did some ab moves for today's video.  I think being pregnant, abdominal workouts get pushed to the side.  But it's actually really important to keep your core strong!  You may not get a 6-pack but it will help prevent back problems, help make labor somewhat easier and will be extremely helpful while you're recovering.

I started off with in and outs.  Make sure that anytime you are in a c-sit position your hand are in front of or by your butt.  If they are behind you, you get less of a workout in your core because it doesn't have to work as hard.  Depending on how far along you are and how big your baby bump is, in and outs might be hard.  You can always do a 6-inch hold with your legs straight out instead or even bring your legs up and down.  Do 15-20 each set.

The next move is a v-sit.  Same position and your legs are straight as high as you can get them.  If this is too hard, you can modify by keeping one foot on the floor and just doing one at a time. Hold for 10-15 seconds each set.

Next are the Russian twists.  Keep your feet off the ground a few inches, core tight and still, and move your hands/arms from side to side.  Do 15-20 each set.  (That's 1 rep each side!)

Lastly, we have flutter kicks.  Legs out and "flutter" your feet about 6-inches off the ground. Remember to keep those hands by or in front of your butt!  You can even make it harder with no hands for all these moves. :) Do 15-20 each set.  (

Do 4-5 sets of these. Have fun!

Make sure you check with your doctor before attempting any exercise program, especially if pregnant.

All Over Body Workout

Hey, everyone!  Today's quick workout will involve just about everything.  Yay!  There are five moves.  I thought it would be fun to mix it up and have it more tabata style.  What that means is you will do each move for 20 seconds and then take a 10 second break before doing the next one. Do that at least 4 times through (or as many times as you can).
The first move is a squat into a modified burpee (if you can still do burpees at this point in your pregnancy and you feel comfortable, then go for it).  Make sure when you squat your knees don't go in front of your toes and you go as low as you comfortably can.  In the burpee be sure to keep your back straight and your shoulders should be aligned with your wrists.  The next move is called a spider.  Alternate each leg coming up to your hand if you can reach that far.  Stay in that plank position with a flat back.  The third move is a v push-up- bring your toes in as close as you can, turn your hands in toward each other and do a push-up.  You should be on your toes so that you are feeling this in your shoulders and not getting too much help from your legs.  The next move is to just hold a v position.  Lastly, hold a plank!  Remember, just do what you can and have fun!

*Disclaimer: If you are pregnant and/or have not done much exercise before, make sure you check with your health provider before doing any of these exercises.

 Time for Legs!

Hey again, everyone!  I have some pretty basic leg moves for us pregnant people (or not pregnant people, too).  It's always important to keep our legs strong- especially with that extra weight we are getting on our tummies!  The first move is a squat-kick.  Do a squat, come up and kick one leg, do another squat, and kick the other leg.  Next is the squat pulse- yep, just pulse it!  With squats, make sure to keep your butt back and don't let your knees go over your toes.  Only go as low as you can- don't hurt yourself trying to get too low.  You're still gonna get a nice workout in. 
Third is the lunge pulse- same thing here, just pulse.  From the pulse, go into regular lunges.  With lunges, also keep your knee behind your toes and bring that back leg as close to the ground.  Whichever leg you are using more to push yourself up is the leg you will fill it most in so try to keep it even between them both.  Don't forget to squeeze your glutes on the way up in both the squats and lunges!  Do 10 reps of 4-5 sets (or as many sets as you can) for each move. :)

*Disclaimer: If you are pregnant and/or have not done much exercise before, make sure you check with your health provider before doing any of these exercises. 

Hip Flexor Stretches

Hey everyone! So today I decided to do some stretching exercises that are good for anyone but especially good for any mamas-to-be.  It's some nice yoga moves that aren't too hard and are good for your hip flexors! It's important to keep our hip flexors in good shape as they help our hip joints move properly and with full range of motion.  If they are too tight or stiff it can cause lower back pain- and there is enough of that in pregnancy. It will help with reducing discomfort during this time and pains.  So start stretching!

I just did four simple moves that are easy to do everyday.  The first is the basic hip flexor stretch- keep your knee behind your toes, back leg as straight as you can, back nice and tall and only go as deep as you can- don't push it! The next move is the Warrior 1 Pose- once again keep your knee behind your toes (this goes for all the moves) and your back foot will turn down.  Arms up nice and tall!  Then go to Warrior 2- simply bring your arms down (one should be in front and one in back), you want to be looking right through the front arms fingers.  Last, Reverse Warrior.  bring your foot in if you need to and lean backwards as far as you can- if you are at a point where that is hard then just keep your arms straight up again.  Make sure to get the other leg!  Thanks for watching! :)

*Disclaimer: If you are pregnant and/or have not done much exercise before, make sure you check with your health provider before doing any of these exercises.

Keeping Up Your Arm Strength
Hey everyone! As an expectant mother (I'm due in May) and as a part of my social media project in fitness this semester, I will be doing different workouts (strength and cardio) for those who are expecting or those who just want a little something more to do! Some days it will be just a instagram post and others I will have a blog post with it. It will always be something new. So follow along if you're interested! :)

Today my husband and I did some arm workouts. I figured a basic one to keep those arms strong for that baby you will be carrying is a bicep curl. Make sure to keep your elbows in your side throughout the whole movement. Come up to your shoulders and then straight back down. Your arms should also be 90° when in the middle. I used 15 lbs as I strength train 5 or 6 times a week- don't push yourself! Especially being pregnant keep it light- you always want to be able to carry on a conversation when working out at this time.

*Disclaimer: If you are pregnant and/or have not done much exercise before, make sure you check with your health provider before doing any of these exercises.



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