Thursday, May 31, 2018

Funtastic Friday 181

Funtastic-Friday-Poster 600

Funtastic Friday 181 Link Party

Welcome to the Funtastic Friday 181 Link party! We’re always looking for bloggers to join us as party hosts. If you are interested, please contact me or one of the other hosts.

Meet the Funtastic Friday Party Hosts

We’d love it if you followed us on social media.
MOST VIEWED (and Michele's favorite)

Patriotic Military Wreath @ Modern on Monticello

Sherry's favorite - Uncle Sam's Hat Vase @ The Scrap Shoppe Blog
These flag sugar cookies are so easy to make with rectangle cookies and red licorice! Planning a BBQ for Memorial Day or the 4th of July? Don't forget a sugar cookies station for the kids!  Cristy's favorite - Flag Sugar Cookies @ Gluesticks
DIY Printable Father’s Day Card
Shea's favorite - DIY Printable Father's Day Card @ My Printly
Learn how to make an easy and comfortable DIY 2x4 bench.
Heidi's favorite - DIY 2x4 Bench @ Sweet Pea
Ingredients for Stove Top Granola
Lacie's favorite - How To Make Quick Stove Top Granola @ Walking on Sunshine
DIY Dog Cooling Mat
Donna's favorite - DIY Dog Cooling Mat @ Diane Rambles

If you’re a featured blogger, please grab a button to place on your blog (right-click on the image and save the image to your computer): Funtastic-Friday-Featured-Thumbnail1 If you’re linking up and joining the party, please grab a button or link back to Olives & Okra or one of the party hosts (right-click on the image and save the image to your computer): Funtastic-Friday-Link-Party-Thumbnail-150x We will also share your post on social media if sharing buttons are readily available in your post. Help grow the Funtastic Friday link party. 
All features are pinned to Olives & Okra’s Funtastic Friday board.
Disclaimer: By submitting a link to this blog hop, you are giving me permission to share and/or feature your blog post and images on social media and on my blog, Olives & Okra. All links shared will either link back to the blog hop (link party) or to your blog.

Funtastic Friday 181 Link Party Rules

  1. Post as many links as you like
  2. Family friendly posts only
  3. Old posts are welcome
  4. Comments are greatly appreciated

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Party in Your PJs 210

Hello.  Last week I was traveling across the country and back to accompany my daughter Staci and her 2 little ones, Parker and Oakli, back to Nevada.  I promptly forgot to post the party when I got home until about, um, Friday last week.  Anyway, I am here now so let us party!


Summer Cricut Projects from CREATE AND BABBLE.
Summer Projects to make with your Cricut 

Protein Pancakes for Dogs by Five Spot Green Living. 
easy recipes pancakes 

Modern on Monticello shared a Tiny House Vacation-- how fun!

If you were Featured, please click right and copy and paste the button to your blog!

Nina @ Grandma Ideas  

Facebook // Pinterest // Twitter

Lynda @ Reviews, Chews & How-Tos


Saturday, May 26, 2018


Welcome to Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Link Party for this week!  Do you have any plans for Memorial Day weekend?  We have flowers to take to the gravesites of our loved ones.  I remember as a child in Florida and much of my family lived in the "country" and we would go to the Long Branch Cemetery to "decorate" the graves each year at this time.  

Please follow your hosts on one or more Social Media Platforms.
Beverly and Gloria Across the Blvd (G+ / Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram)
Please let us know you’re following from Snickerdoodle Create, Bake, Make. We’d love to follow you back!
We're happy to announce that we will be featuring even more of your wonderful posts. We will each include the Most Clicked as featured post as well. In addition, you may find other posts being featured, too.



DECORATE FLIP FLOPS WITH SCRAP FABRIC by Gluesticks Blog.  My granddaughter Kate would love this!

Decorate flip flops with scrap fabric to make these fun and funky "Fluffy Flip Flops". A quick and easy summer camp project for girls and a great way to use up fabric scraps. Create patterns or tie the strips on randomly, the choice is yours! 

JELLO POKE CAKE FOR THE 4TH OF JULY  by The Country Chic Cottage.  YUM!
You will love how easy this Jello poke cake is to make!  The perfect summer cake with a patriotic 4th of July theme!

FRONT PORCH REFRESH  by Lantern Lane Designs.  

AMERICANA MASON JAR LID COASTERS  by Intelligent Domestications.  Nice!


How To Make A Fun Repurposed Denim Fish Pillow
Onto the Party!  Thanks for joining us!  Make sure that you visit each host's blog to see their picks for Features!


Time to Party!!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Funtastic Friday 180 plus Features

Funtastic Friday Poster

Funtastic Friday 180 Link Party

Welcome, all! Can you believe June is almost here? Do you have plans for a Memorial Day cookout? It's definitely time for some water fun and a good bbq. We're always looking for bloggers to join us as party hosts. If you are interested, please contact me or one of the other hosts.

Meet the Funtastic Friday Party Hosts

We’d love it if you followed us on social media.

Copycat Texas Roadhouse Bread & Butter Recipe
Debra's favorite - Copycat Texas Roadhouse Bread & Butter Recipe @ A Mom's Take
You will love how easy this Jello poke cake is to make! The perfect summer cake with a patriotic 4th of July theme!
Heidi's favorite - Jello Poke Cake for the Fourth of July @ The Country Chic Cottage
Add French Details by Piping on Furniture - So Much Better With Age

Sherry's favorite - The Watermelon Hat: A Free Knitting Pattern @ The Philosopher's Wife

Michele's favorite - Easy Paper Quilling Craft: Quilled Flower Frame @ All Because She Saved

Cristy's favorite - Walking Taco Bar Outdoor Party Idea @ frog prince paperie
Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins Recipe
Lacie's favorite - Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins Recipe @ April Golightly
Easy DIY Flag Wreath. Make your own no sew Flag Wreath using these easy step by step instructions. This cute patriotic decor is perfect for Memorial Day, Independence Day, or any day! Simple and inexpensive to make, this Easy DIY Flag Wreath will add a marvelous touch of whimsy to you holiday decor.
Donna's favorite - Easy DIY Flag Wreath @ Ann's Entitled Life

If you’re a featured blogger, please grab a button to place on your blog (right-click on the image and save the image to your computer): Funtastic-Friday-Featured-Thumbnail1 If you’re linking up and joining the party, please grab a button or link back to Olives & Okra or one of the party hosts (right-click on the image and save the image to your computer): Funtastic-Friday-Link-Party-Thumbnail-150x We will also share your post on social media if sharing buttons are readily available in your post. Help grow the Funtastic Friday link party.
All features are pinned to Olives & Okra’s Funtastic Friday board.
Disclaimer: By submitting a link to this blog hop, you are giving me permission to share and/or feature your blog post and images on social media and on my blog, Olives & Okra. All links shared will either link back to the blog hop (link party) or to your blog.

Funtastic Friday 180 Link Party Rules

  1. Post as many links as you like
  2. Family friendly posts only
  3. Old posts are welcome
  4. Comments are greatly appreciated
  5. Show fellow bloggers link love

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Snickerdoodle Create bake Make Link Party May 19, 2018


Thanks for coming and joining us!

Happy Birthday to my sweet youngest child, Ali Rose!  She is 18 today and graduates high school in about 3 weeks.  We went to her last Swing Choir concert last night--she had a great time performing in Swing Choir and Women's Choir (last year).
 Onto the party!

Please follow your hosts on one or more Social Media Platforms.
Beverly and Gloria Across the Blvd (G+ / Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram)
Please let us know you’re following from Snickerdoodle Create, Bake, Make. We’d love to follow you back!
We're happy to announce that we will be featuring even more of your wonderful posts. We will each include the Most Clicked as featured post as well. In addition, you may find other posts being featured, too.



Strawberry doughnut recipe 

FUN SUMMER PAPER WREATH by Cookies Coffee and Crafts.
Make this bright and fun summer paper wreath to decorate your front door. Learn how to design this in design space and cut it on your Cricut Maker 

DINOSAUR TERRARIUM by Crafty Lumberjacks.  I wonder if those little people want out of there?

How to Turn an Ugly Plastic Container into Gold. When you can't find the item you need for a home decor project, don't despair. You can turn even an ugly planter into the perfect container with spray paint.
 If you were Featured, please grab a button to display on your blog!



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