Thursday, March 30, 2017

Funtastic Friday 120



Welcome to Funtastic Friday 120! Make sure you link up and visit some of the other posts, too!  Funtastic Friday 113 Hosts Please follow the party hosts on social media.
Funtastic Friday 120 Host Favorites Angie and Debra
Angie's favorite - Hairpin Leg DIY Live Edge Wood Coffee Table @ H2O Bungalow Debra's favorite - Bunny Butt Cupcakes @ My Thoughts Ideas and Ramblings Funtastic Friday 120 Host Favorites Joyce and Heidi's Favorites Joyce's favorite - How Do Bloggers Make Money @ The Busy Budgeter Heidi's favorite - Simple Strawberry Bread with Honey Lemon Butter @ i should be mopping the floor Funtastic Friday 120 Host Favorites Sherry and Donna's favorites Sherry's favorite - Crochet Bunny @ Annemarie's Haakblog Donna's favorite - Carrot Treat Cones @ Dukes and Duchesses Funtastic Friday 120 Host Favorites Lacie and Liz Lacie's favorite - Easy Baked Mini Tacos @ Delightful E Made Liz's favorite - Hanging Measuring Cup @ H20 Bungalow Funtastic Friday 120 Host Favorites Donella and Kimm Donella's favorite - Industrial DIY Printer Cart @ Simply Designing Kimm's favorite - Space Hacker: DIY In-Wall First Aid Cabinet @ Navage Patch If you’re linking up and joining the party, please grab a button or link back to Olives & Okra or one of the party hosts (right-click on image and save image to your computer): Funtastic-Friday-Link-Party-Thumbnail-150x If you’re a featured blogger, please grab a button to place on your blog (right-click on image and save image to your computer): Funtastic-Friday-Featured-Thumbnail1 All features are pinned to Olives & Okra’s Funtastic Friday board. We will also share your post on social media if sharing buttons are readily available on your post. Help grow the Funtastic Friday link party.  Disclaimer: By submitting a link to this blog hop, you are giving me permission to share and/or feature your blog post and image on social media and on my blog, Olives & Okra. All links shared will either link back to the blog hop (link party) or to your blog.


  • Post as many links as you like
  • Family friendly posts only
  • Old posts are welcome
  • Comments are greatly appreciated
  • Show fellow bloggers link love

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Easter Chalk Art and Surprise Link

Happy Easter season! I guess we still have April's Fool to get past first, yeah? I haven't had a lot of time to decorate for Easter but I do have a few items out--most of mine I have had for years.
We are also in the process of demoing our kitchen so we can remodel it.  Making a new laundry room, too.  Crazy, huh?  No, crazy is starting all this and then flying to North Carolina to visit Staci and her family---now that's crazy!  It will get done sooner or later and cabinets won't be her till April sometime so we have time.  Uh huh, sure we do.

Anyway, I bought this little bamboo chalkboard for Staci's wedding reception a couple of years ago.  My friend Renae decorated on it and wrote "Aloha" and placed it near the entry so guests would see it coming or going.

Since that time, my son Eric will decorate it for me when I ask and I asked for a Easter-themed drawing.  He just used Crayola Chalk and I have it on display in one of the barrels in my front yard.  
I had to turn it around yesterday because it started sprinkling rain a bit and I didn't want it to get washed away.

Eric found some fault with it but I am happy with it.  He's pretty much a natural artistic talent so he can draw pretty much whatever.  One day I will write a post about his talent and experiences.  He won 3 Nevada Governor's Art Awards while in Jr. High and High School, won the U.S. Congressional Award as he graduated, had his art work displayed at the Museum of Modern Art, and on the Jumbo Tron at times Square.  He's pretty smart, too!  He does scientific research and has even traveled to Antarctica on a British Research ship.  Went to France to help restore castles.  How cool would that be, walking down the street and hey, there's a castle!

Well, that's about it.  If you are feeling up to it, grab a chalkboard, some chalk and have at it.  It makes for a nice indoor or outdoor decoration.

Oh, have you read our FamilyTime at SLC Fan X 17 ?
We had fun and saw lots of awesome costumes (cosplay),  and celebrities like this:

You want cosplay--here's your cosplay lol.
Anyway, lots more photos and info by clicking the link above.

Thanks for visiting!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Family Time at Salt Lake City Fan X 2017

Hi all.  Recently Ali, my husband (her dad), and I went to Salt Lake City, Utah to attend Fan X.  SLC Comic Con is held in the Fall and Fan X is usually held in late Winter/early Spring.  This was our first time attending Fan X but we have been to SLC Comic Con before.  What is Fan X you ask?  It is an event celebrating fandoms--Dr. Who, Marvel and DC Superheros, Anime, video game characters, Steam Punk, and more.  Attendees are free to dress as their favorite characters or just dress as usual and take in all the sights!

As you can see in the collage photo above, folks are very creative and doesn't that young man look a LOT like Star Lord (Chris Pratt) from Guardians of the Galaxy? He has an Instagram at skylordcosplay  and a Facebook if you want to follow along. Gamora did a great job,too! 
 "Beetlejuice", anyone? I love that she is carrying "The Guide for the Recently Deceased"!  So clever!  Remember "Courage the Cowardly Dog" cartoon?  This couple is awesome.

This year at Fan X, the televison show "Psych" was featured, as was "The Princess Bride", "Once Upon a Time", Weird Al, and Stan Lee--Stan Lee--count us in!

Ali Rose got to meet James Roday and Dulé Hill, "Shawn" and "Gus" of "Psych".  Exciting!

McKay from Yours Truly McKay met up with us and she and Ali had their photo taken with Weird Al!  Such fan-girling to be had.

The event is held at the Salt Palace for those of you familiar with Salt Lake City.  It's family-friendly but there were a few "Slave-girl Princess Leia" costumes lol.  Probably should avert your teen-age sons's eyes haha.

Fandoms wouldn't be complete without "The Princess Bride".  This is too good!  People thought of costumes I don't know that I would of.  

Ali also met Cary Elwes, Wesley himself from "The Princess Bride".  She said he was so nice.  We went to his panel as well; he and Chris Sarandon, who plays the King in the movie, answered questions and shared memories of their filming the movie.

If you are "Doctor Who" fans, then you will recognize these coats, the Clockwork Androids from the "Girl in the Fireplace" episode (so sad!), and of course, a Weeping Angel.  Plenty of Doctor cos-players were wandering around, too. 

This T-Rex was adorable!  He was such a trooper and everyone loved his costume.

That's Ali, "speeding" away; Boba Fett appears to have gotten his bounty (Han Solo in carbonite) and Luke is defending the Rebel Base on Hoth from the Imperial Walkers.
Yes, we are nerds, geeks, or the like.....
I believe you can see that we had an awesome time at Salt Lake Comic Con Fan X!  This was Ali's Christmas present for 2016 (she got a VIP ticket, Dad and I only Gold) but we went to celebrity panels, did some shopping, and just had fun with watching the cosplayers.

Oh wait, Stan Lee!  Stan Lee of Marvel comics and movies fame was to make an appearance and do a celebrity panel but the poor man became ill and his doctor said under no circumstances was he to travel.  So, Stan Lee was nice enough (he loves Salt Lake Comic Con) to skype in for his panel on Saturday evening.  He was hilarious!  The man is 94 years young and such a hoot.  I used the word "hoot", my age is showing.....

If you are ever in the mood to attend a con, this is one to attend.  Comic Con will be held in September 21-23, 2017.  Here is a link to their site.

Hope you enjoyed our Fan X info!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Springtime and Snickerdoodle Link Party 3/26/17

Welcome Spring and welcome to Snickerdoodle Link Party!  We love to see all of your creations and it is hard to choose Features!  Make sure you stop by each host's blog as we all choose our own Features!

Don't forget to share your Spring-related posts at our Celebrating Spring Link Party! 
9 bloggers are hosting so it will be seen 9 times over!

Ok, it is now time to PARTY!

Please follow your hosts on one or more Social Media Platforms.
Beverly and Gloria Across the Blvd (G+ / Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram)
Please let us know you’re following from Snickerdoodle Create, Bake, Make. We’d love to follow you back!
We're happy to announce that we will be featuring even more of your wonderful posts. Each week, on all five blogs, you'll find the co-hosts' selections for featured posts in the following categories: Crafts/DIY, Recipes, and Crocheting/Sewing. We will each include the Most Clicked as featured post as well. In addition, you may find other posts being featured, too.
While you're here, we'd love for you to grab our new party button.
Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Party Button
Pinterest Promotion It's a great way to give you even more exposure!
Pinterest Board Promotion Logo
Follow all of the co-hosts on Pinterest and then send an email request to join the board to Please include a link to your Pinterest Profile as well as the name of your blog.
If you're featured, please grab our Snickerdoodle Feature Button!
Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Feature Button
~On to the Features~
All Features will be pinned to the Snickerdoodle Create, Bake, Make Features Board. We would love for you to pin the features, too. Please pin from the original source!
Growing Up Gabel has the cutest craft for kids--Painted Fork Tulips!

I really seem to have a thing for donuts even though I haven't even had one recently:).  The Healthy Helper has a delicious and nutritious recipe for Chunky Monkey Donuts.

Sew Historically has a very cute crochet Easter Bunny garland pattern for you to try!

Most Clicked:
Gluesticks has a delicious chocolate Easter Egg recipe:

Party Guidelines for Snickerdoodle Party
Thank you for partying with us!

Time to Party!!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Funtastic Friday 119 and Spring Link Party



Welcome to Funtastic Friday 119! It's Spring!  Maybe not always weather-wise but there is hope!  Today is a bit cool but the sun is out and the lawn is turning green:).  How is the weather where you are?  We will be leaving next week for vacation to visit Staci in North Carolina--and Parker and Jon.  Can't wait to see Parker--he's 10 months old now!

Have you joined in our Celebrating Spring Link Party?  All things Spring, Easter, April's Fool, gardening, recipes, etc.  Join in and check out the other bloggers who are participating!

Funtastic Friday 113 Hosts
Please follow the party hosts on social media.
Oval Frame Easter Eggs
Oval Frame Easter Eggs @ Sadie Seasongoods
Funtastic Friday 119 Debra and Angie's favorites
Debra's favorite - Samoa Granola @ Courtney's Cookbook Angie's favorite - Oval Frame Easter Eggs @ Sadie Seasongoods Funtastic Friday 119 Lacie and Heidi's favorites Lacie's favorite - Fudgy Easter Cookie Cutter Gift Sets @ Desperately Seeking Gina Heidi's favorite - Easter Egg Nest Cake @ Rose Bakes Funtastic Friday 119 Donna and Sherry's favorites Donna's favorite - Strawberry Frosted Baked Cardamon Doughnuts @ The Chef Next Door Sherry's favorite - Refashion: Turtleneck to Crochet Lace Collar @ Sew historically Funtastic Friday 119 Donella and Kimm's favorites Donella's favorite - Pizza Tater Tot Casserole @ Simply Stacie Kimm's favorite - Dream Big Printable @ Simply Designing Funtastic Friday 119 Liz's favorite Liz's favorite - 18 Ways to Add Farm House Character To A Builder Grade House @ Blesser House

If you’re linking up and joining the party, please grab a button or link back to Olives & Okra or one of the party hosts (right-click on image and save image to your computer): Funtastic-Friday-Link-Party-Thumbnail-150x If you’re a featured blogger, please grab a button to place on your blog (right-click on image and save image to your computer): Funtastic-Friday-Featured-Thumbnail1 All features are pinned to Olives & Okra’s Funtastic Friday board. We will also share your post on social media if sharing buttons are readily available on your post. 

Disclaimer: By submitting a link to this blog hop, you are giving me permission to share and/or feature your blog post and image on social media and on my blog, twochicksandamom.. All links shared will either link back to the blog hop (link party) or to your blog.


  • Post as many links as you like
  • Family friendly posts only
  • Old posts are welcome
  • Comments are greatly appreciated
  • Show fellow bloggers link love

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

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