Saturday, June 30, 2018

Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Link Party and HAPPY 4TH OF JULY

Wow, the 4th is almost here!  Summer is just flying by!  I guess that is what happens as we get older (I'm talking about me here).  I hope you have some awesome plans to celebrate our country!

Please follow your hosts on one or more Social Media Platforms.
Beverly and Gloria Across the Blvd (G+ / Pin / Twitter FB / Instagram)
Sharon The Blue Willow House (G+ / Pin / Twitter FB / Instagram)
Please let us know you’re following from Snickerdoodle Create, Bake, Make. We’d love to follow you back!
We're happy to announce that we will be featuring even more of your wonderful posts. We will each include the Most Clicked as featured post as well. In addition, you may find other posts being featured, too.


EASY AWESOME 4TH OF JULY by Celebrating Everyday Life.
Celebrate an Easy and Awesome 4th of July  
IT'S AMERICA PATRIOTIC SIGN  by Cookies, Coffee and Crafts.
Have fun creating a sign using the chorus from your favorite song. I'm creating an It's America Patriotic Sign for the 4th of July using my Cricut Maker and Cricut Design Space 
LET'S ADD SPRINKLES  shared a 4th of July Guest Room--cool!
FRESH BERRIES COOKIE PIZZA by Cooking with Curls.  Looks pretty patriotic to me!
Spring Berries Cookie Pizza 
Most Clicked:
Our Crafty Mom  and 4th of July Easy
Bandana Wreath.
Make A Fun Fourth Of July Dollar Store Bandana Wreath Our Crafty Mom #dollarstorecrafts #dollarstore #fourthofjulywreath #patrioticwreath #ourcraftymom
If you were Featured, please grab a button to paste to your blog!

Party Guidelines:

Time to Party!!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Funtastic Friday 185 and 4th of July Fun

Funtastic-Friday-Poster 600


With the 4th of July almost here, we thought we would share some of our Patriotic Ideas here.


Interested in hosting a link party? We’re always looking for bloggers to join us as party hosts. If you’re interested, get in touch with me or one of the hosts.

Meet the Funtastic Friday Party Hosts

We’d love it if you followed us on social media.
DIY Rustic Flag With Old Wood
DIY Rustic Flag with Old Wood @ The Red Painted Cottage
Does your kid love to bake? Find out how to throw an amazing baking birthday party including birthday party games, birthday party decorations, and DIY party decor crafts. #bakingparty #kidsparties #DIYpartydecor #pdpcelebrates
Cristy's favorite - This Is the Most Adorable Baking Party for Kids @ Play Dates and Parties

Sherry's favorite - Oh My Stars! A New Pattern! @ Suzy's Artsy-Craftsy Sitcom

Patriotic Tiered Tray Made With Thrift Store Frames
Shea's favorite - Patriotic Tiered Tray Made with Thrift Store Themes @ Across the Boulevard

DIY Sun Hat
Michele's favorite - DIY Sun Hat @ Happy Family Blog

S'mores Fudge Bars on a white platter with 2 red handled forks
Donna's and Lacie's favorite - S'mores Fudge Bars @ That Skinny Chick Can Bake

Strawberry Cream Pie - Tastes like a dream! This easy summer pie is creamy, sweet and refreshing. 
Debra's favorite - Strawberry Cream Pie @ Simple Stacie
Learn how to make this DIY Rustic American Flag Sign using sheet metal, paint and mounted on a wood backdrop! Great piece of patriotic art to display in your home.
Heidi's favorite - DIY Rustic American Flag Sign @ Taryn Whiteaker

If you’re a featured blogger, please grab a button to place on your blog (right-click on the image and save the image to your computer): Funtastic-Friday-Featured-Thumbnail1 If you’re linking up and joining the party, please grab a button or link back to Olives & Okra or one of the party hosts (right-click on the image and save the image to your computer): Funtastic-Friday-Link-Party-Thumbnail-150x Help grow the Funtastic Friday link party. 
All features are pinned to Olives & Okra’s Funtastic Friday board.
Disclaimer: By submitting a link to this blog hop, you are giving me permission to share and/or feature your blog post and images on social media and on my blog, Olives & Okra. All links shared will either link back to the blog hop (link party) or to your blog.

Funtastic Friday 185 Link Party Rules

  1. Post as many links as you like
  2. Family friendly posts only
  3. Old posts are welcome
  4. Comments are greatly appreciated

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Party in Your PJs and Patriotic Features

Hello and welcome to Party in Your PJs!  The Party will go on but I wanted to announce that this is my last week as a co-host for Party in Your PJs.  I am going to be working in a new venture as a Wellness RN/Health Educator and running my own business is new to me so I am sure that I will be putting in LOTS of time on that.  Two Chicks and a Mom will still be here but I really needed to cut back on responsibilities.  A big "thank you" to Nina and Lynda for having me as a co-host!

Donna's Features:

OUR CRAFTY MOM has a cute Dollar Store 4th of July Wreath tutorial.
Make A Fun Fourth Of July Dollar Store Bandana Wreath Our Crafty Mom #dollarstorecrafts #dollarstore #fourthofjulywreath #patrioticwreath #ourcraftymom 

SEW HISTORICALLY  shared a Homemade Cherry Pie Recipe--perfect for the 4th!
Homemade Cherry Pie 

If cherries aren't your thing, how about this STRAWBERRY CREAM PIE by Simply Stacie?
Strawberry Cream Pie - Tastes like a dream! This easy summer pie is creamy, sweet and refreshing. 

FRESH VINTAGE BY LISA S  and Vintage Patriotic Postcards.

So there are some awesome Features with a Red, White, and Blue flare!

Grab a button if you were Featured!

Please follow your hosts on Social Media:

Nina @ Grandma Ideas 

Lynda @ Reviews, Chews & How-Tos 

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, June 23, 2018


HAPPY WEEKEND!  Hope that you are having an enjoyable summer and weekend.  This week we went to Utah Lake (near Provo) and participated in the LDS Pioneer Trek, which is for youth ages 12 to 18.  My husband was on the cooking crew and I was part of the medical team.  The food was great and thankfully no serious illnesses or injuries.  It was hot, dusty, and a bit exhausting (trekking 5 to 8 miles per day) but gave the kids and us an appreciation for all pioneers went through!

Please follow your hosts on one or more Social Media Platforms.
Beverly and Gloria Across the Blvd (G+ / Pin / Twitter FB / Instagram)
Sharon The Blue Willow House (G+ / Pin / Twitter FB / Instagram)
Please let us know you’re following from Snickerdoodle Create, Bake, Make. We’d love to follow you back!
We're happy to announce that we will be featuring even more of your wonderful posts. We will each include the Most Clicked as featured post as well. In addition, you may find other posts being featured, too.


Carrie Elle and family sold their house to become DEBT-FREE.
We Sold Our House to Pay off Debt 

A GRACE-FULL LIFE  shared her TOP 5 FAVORITE ITEMS AT DOLLAR TREE.  I bought some of those flip flops--they are awesome and in cute patterns.
dollar tree, plates. plate. dollar tree dinnerware, blue plate 

DELIGHTFULE MADE  shared a Strawberries and Cream Breakfast Braid--yum!
The ultimate strawberry breakfast pastry! This scrumptious Strawberries & Cream Breakfast Braid is made with store-bought crescent dough and a few other simple ingredients, making it incredibly easy to make. Perfect for your next brunch or weekend breakfast! 

DUKES AND DUCHESSES  shared an exquisite idea for a RAINBOW PRODUCE CENTERPIECE--pretty!
rainbow produce centerpiece 

NOTING GRACE  and Indigo Blue Summer House Tour.
Decorating with your favorite color can add a new appreciation for your home. Join along with me for my Indigo Blue Summer Home Tour. #Bluehomedecor #indigoblue

If you were Featured, please grab a button to display on your blog!

Time to Party!!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Hello all!  Just wanted to let you know that I won't have Party in Your PJs Link Party this week as I am going to be in the middle of nowhere in Utah.  I am going on our Stake's LDS Pioneer Trek Re-enactment for the youth (ages 12 to 18) as part of the Nursing Team.  My daughter Ali Rose is going and my husband is going, too; along with approx. 110 others.  

I will post more on our adventures later but you can read more about Pioneer Trek HERE.

To join in Party in Your PJs this week please visit  

But come back next week to join in here lol!


Saturday, June 16, 2018


Hello and thanks for stopping by Two Chicks and a Mom to join Snickerdoodle Link Party!  I have been so busy this past week with doing not much of anything--do you ever do that?  We have been taking care of our son's animals while he and family are gone, getting ready to go on Pioneer Trek this next week as part of the LDS Youth Activity (more on that later), training my new poodle puppy Teddy (more on that later, too, lol), and various and sundry tasks.  Oh, I guess I was kinda busy!

Here are some photos of our busy month:
Oakli and Parker came to visit (so fun); Teddy became part of the family; and Katelyn was baptized into our Church.

Ali was awarded several scholarships; Ali graduated from Early-Morning LDS Seminary (she was in her seat at 0640 Mon-Friday for 4 years!); Ali graduated from high school with a 3.5 GPA or higher; and our whole family (minus grandchildren Avery and Izzy and son-in-law Jon) at Ali's graduation.

Please follow your hosts on one or more Social Media Platforms.
Beverly and Gloria Across the Blvd (G+ / Pin / Twitter FB / Instagram)
Sharon The Blue Willow House (G+ / Pin / Twitter FB / Instagram)
Please let us know you’re following from Snickerdoodle Create, Bake, Make. We’d love to follow you back!
We're happy to announce that we will be featuring even more of your wonderful posts. We will each include the Most Clicked as featured post as well. In addition, you may find other posts being featured, too.
EASY PREP TACO SALAD  by Across the Boulevard.  Nothing says summer like some great salads!
STARS AND STRIPES DOORHANGER  by Domestically Creative.  Cute!
Stars and Stripes Door Hanger-12 
THE NAVAGE PATCH shared awesome Free Printables Succulent Art--I love Succulents!
Free Printable Succulent Monogram Wall Art | Beautiful Free Succulent Initials Wall Art | Free Printable Succulent Alphabet Wall Decor | Gold Home Sweet Home Printable | Dorm Sweet Dorm Printable | DIY nursery gallery wall | Ready to print gallery wall | Easy DIY Farmhouse wall decor | #TheNavagePatch #GalleryWall #FreePrintable #WallDecor | 
SUZER SPACE  shared a tutorial for watercolor birds--nice!
Watercolor blobs become birds (or beasts) with just a few quick strokes of a black pen | 
UNIQUE SUCCULENT POTS by Crafting A Family.  I love those owls--and did I say I love succulents?
Unique Succulent Pots Plus Planting Supplies 6 owl shaped pots with succulents 
If you were FEATURED, please grab a button to post on your blog!
Onto the Party!

Time to Party!!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

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