Thursday, January 31, 2019


 Funtastic-Friday-Poster 600FUNTASTIC FRIDAY 213 LINK PARTY

Welcome to the party!  Who doesn't love a good party?

Recently, we shared a post on our ideas for HOW TO MAKE 2019 A GREAT YEAR!  
Check it out and let us know your own ideas in the comments!

Hope you are staying warm where you are!  Prayers for those who are in the area of the
Arctic Vortex--animals, too.

Interested in hosting a link party? We’re always looking for bloggers to join us as party hosts. If you’re interested, get in touch with me or one of the hosts.

Meet the Funtastic Friday Party Hosts

We’d love it if you followed us on social media.


Heidi's favorite - How To Make An Easy Heart Box for Valentine's Day @ Celebrating Everyday Life

Michele's favorite - Washi Tape Storage @ The Scrap Shoppe Blog

Donna's favorite - Kitchen Organization - 25 Things to Declutter Right Now @ Making Home Base

Cinnamon Roll Puffs with Caramel Apple Glaze on plates
Sherry's favorite - Cinnamon Roll Puffs with Caramel Apple Glaze @ Across the Boulevard

If you’re linking up and joining the party, please grab a button or link back to “Olives & Okra” or one of the party hosts (copy and paste the code below the button onto your blog text tab or text widget):

Easy Peasy Pleasy
If you’re a featured blogger, please grab a button to place on your blog (right click on the image and save the image to your computer):

Funtastic Friday Featured Blogger
All contributors who link up to the Funtastic Friday link party can join the Funtastic Friday group board on Pinterest. Follow me on Pinterest and leave a comment below that you would like to be added. We will also share your post on social media if sharing buttons are readily available on your post. Help grow the Funtastic Friday Link Party. 
Disclaimer: By submitting a link to this blog link party, you are giving me permission to share and/or feature your blog post and image on social media and on my blog, Olives & Okra. All links shared will either link back to the blog hop (linky party) or to your blog.

Funtastic Friday 213 Link Party Rules

  1. Post as many links as you like
  2. Family friendly posts only
  3. Old posts are welcome
  4. Comments are greatly appreciated

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

How to Make 2019 a Great Year

I was just thinking this morning (as I was home with a bad cough from work) of what I could do to make this year one for the books.  What new skills, new information, new adventures can I seek out or learn to make 2019 memorable?

While I have had goals in my life that I have attained, I am more of a "go with the flow" type, I suppose; mostly as I have gotten older; when I was younger I would fret over the smallest things.  I don't want to live my life like that any longer.   I want to enjoy, learn, and do!

1. BECOME MORE ADVENTUROUS.  I think that when I was younger and had a family, I was always worried that something would happen if I took up any "crazy" hobbies.  By that I mean rappelling, snowmobiling, skiing (not very good at it anyway), snorkeling, etc.  I wanted to be there for my family.  Now, before you say, "well a lot of parents do that stuff!" let me clue you in that I am what you would call an "old soul".  I wasn't a teenager who wanted to go to parties and was more comfortable in small groups with people I knew well.  My parents were older when I was born so maybe that had something to do with my ways.

However, I have found myself becoming more adventurous as I have gotten older.  I became a certified fitness instructor and taught classes (yes, to me that is being adventurous).  I went canoeing in a glacier lake.  I have been kayaking in Hawaii several times (my gosh, I even flew over the Pacific Ocean!).  I went to theme parks and rode on rides such as "The Mummy" and lived to tell about it.  My husband and I are actually shopping around for a kayak of our own to buy---these might not seem like extreme-adventure to you, but in my mind, I have come a LONG way!

2.  CONTINUE LEARNING.  I have earned an AAS-RN degree, a RN to BSN degree, and just this last year I earned my Master's in Education, Health and Wellness Education.  I enjoy learning and always have.  I am taking CEU courses to meet the requirements for my nursing license (30 CEUs every 2 years) and am also taking a college course related to my Community Resource Liaison position at work.  I also want to make sure I study the scriptures and other Gospel-related content each day. 

For those of you who may be interested in taking college-level courses without costs, I found a link that has info and colleges for just that!  COLLEGE COURSES AT NO COSTS.
It's never too late to learn!

3.  FIND NEW OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE.   I love animals and children.  Not that I don't love all age-groups but you know what I mean.  I plan on finding volunteer opportunities so that I can lend a hand to others.  Whether it is walking or playing with shelter dogs, playing a piano in a nursing home or visiting with residents, rocking babies in the NICU--there are plenty of volunteer opportunities available for you, me, and everyone.  What a great way to give back and enrich your own life!  Try this LINK to search for opps in your area.

4.  DON'T STRESS.  Not an easy thing for some.  Some of us are just natural-born worriers, I suppose (cough, cough).  Stress can be detrimental to our health OR it can be motivating.  Which will it be for you?  Have a deadline looming and feeling stressed?  That stress can be motivating to get things done.  Waking up at night and worrying about things that haven't happened and probably won't happen?  Not good stress ( I fall into that category some nights).  I have resolved that I will practice a good sleep hygiene habits (turning off electronic devices at least one hour prior to bedtime, listen to soothing music or sounds, and try to quiet my mind).  Going to bed and getting up at the same time is helpful too, even on days off or during vacation.

These are a few areas that I would like to work on this year so that I can keep my life interesting, healthy, and grateful.  Comment below to let us know how you will make 2019 a great year!

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, January 26, 2019


Hey everyone! Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and feeling well! We had a stomach bug the beginning of the week, but all is well now. Take extra care with all the sickness going on! Enjoy the party!

Please follow your hosts on one or more Social Media Platforms. We'd love to connect!

Beverly and Gloria Across the Blvd (Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram)
Please let us know you’re following from Snickerdoodle Create, Bake, Make. We’d love to follow you back!
We'd love for you to add our logo to your party page!
It's a great way to give you even more exposure!

After you link up at the party, follow all of the co-hosts on Pinterest and then send an email request to join the board to Please include a link to your Pinterest Profile as well as the name of your blog.
Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Party Features
Features are pinned to our Party Board.
Please Pin From the Original Source

Let others know you were featured by displaying our Featured Post Image on your blog.

Party Guidelines


Jennifer Perkins shared these Treat yo Self to Some Self Care with these DIY Rose Petal Bath Bombs. Cute!

How to make DIY bath bombs with rose petals by Jennifer Perkins

Sew Crafty Crochet shared this adorable Dollar Tree Snowman Valentine Wreath.

Live Craft Love shared these cute Monster Felt Board Activity for Pre-Schoolers. My son would love this!


DIY Party Mom shared these Will You Bee Mine Valentine Candy Bar Wrappers. Doesn't hurt to prepare early!

Will you bee mine? This printable candy bar wrapper is the perfect way to ask someone special to be your Valentine with a candy bar and card in one. Print yours out today and bee someone's sweetie tonight.

Most Featured:

Sweetpea Lifestyle shared this recipe for Dilly-Rance Cheez Its. Yum!

Crispy cheese crackers are coated with ranch seasoning and fresh dill, creating an irresistible snack!

Thanks for stopping by!

Time to Party!!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Thursday, January 24, 2019


Funtastic-Friday-Poster 600


Thanks for joining us this week!  

Interested in hosting a link party? We’re always looking for bloggers to join us as party hosts. If you’re interested, get in touch with me or one of the hosts.

Meet the Funtastic Friday Party Hosts

We’d love it if you followed us on social media.
Having an organized home is one of my biggest dreams. But how to get motivated to clean when overwhelmed by mess from kids (and just life in general?). Find the right challenge or plan for you from these 17 tips and quotes for inspiration to make sure you finally clean and declutter your house for good - even if you're on a budget. #organization #home #tips
How to Get Motivated to Clean When You're Overwhelmed by the Mess | 17 Expert Tips @ Play Dates to Parties

Sherry's favorite - Crocheted Pineapple Bookmark @ B4 and After

Heidi's favorite - Off White Art Deco Upcycle @ Coastal Bohemian
Vintage Hankie Invitations from A Fun and Frugal Life
Michele's favorite - Vintage Hankie Invitation Tutorial @ A Fun and Frugal Life
This Baked Tilapia Fish Tacos recipe is a healthy and easy dinner that will take 30 minutes or less to make. The seasoned tilapia fillets are baked in the oven until flaky, then filled into soft tortillas with your favorite toppings. One of our family favorites!
Lacie's favorite - Baked Tilapia Fish Tacos @ Home Cooking Memories
Snowman nutter butter cookies pin image
Donna's favorite - Snowman Nutter Butter Cookies @ Wondermom Wannabe
If you’re linking up and joining the party, please grab a button or link back to TWO CHICKS AND A MOM or one of the party hosts (copy and paste the code below the button onto your blog text tab or text widget):

Easy Peasy Pleasy
If you’re a featured blogger, please grab a button to place on your blog (right click on the image and save the image to your computer):

Funtastic Friday Featured Blogger
All contributors who link up to the Funtastic Friday link party can join the Funtastic Friday group board on Pinterest. Follow me on Pinterest and leave a comment below that you would like to be added. We will also share your post on social media if sharing buttons are readily available on your post.

Disclaimer: By submitting a link to this blog link party, you are giving me permission to share and/or feature your blog post and image on social media and on my blog, Olives & Okra. All links shared will either link back to the blog hop (linky party) or to your blog.

Funtastic Friday 212 Link Party Rules

  1. Post as many links as you like
  2. Family friendly posts only
  3. Old posts are welcome
  4. Comments are greatly appreciated

Monday, January 21, 2019

Oldies but Goodies (Crafts)

Sharing some posts that we began our blog with--some were our most viewed for quite awhile!

Our ONE HOUR RECEIVING BLANKET tutorial is easy and fast!  Sure to please that mom-to-be at a baby shower or for you own little one!

REASONS WHY I SCRAPBOOK was a hit, too!  Why have I not followed up.....

When little Parker Scott was born to Staci and Jon, I knew we needed to have a nautical-themed baby shower (the kids dated in Hawaii, Jon's dad is a commercial fisherman, and Jon was joining the U.S. Coast Guard).  What better guest book than a life preserver?  It now hangs on Parker's bedroom door, with names of family and friends who attended the shower.

Thanks for stopping by and joining us for a journey down memory lane!

Saturday, January 19, 2019


Hey everyone! Hope everyone gets a long weekend with the holiday on Monday! Can you believe January is already more than halfway over?! Have a great weekend!
Please follow your hosts on one or more Social Media Platforms. We'd love to connect!

Beverly and Gloria Across the Blvd (Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram)

Please let us know you’re following from Snickerdoodle Create, Bake, Make. We’d love to follow you back!
We'd love for you to add our logo to your party page!

It's a great way to give you even more exposure!
After you link up at the party, follow all of the co-hosts on Pinterest and then send an email request to join the board to Please include a link to your Pinterest Profile as well as the name of your blog.
Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Party Features
Features are pinned to our Party Board.
Please Pin From the Original Source

Let others know you were featured by displaying our Featured Post Image on your blog.

Party Guidelines


Marilyn's Treats shared a Red Velvet Crepes with Fresh Strawberries recipe. I love red velvet!

Red Velvet Crepes

Drugstore Divas shared this 52-week Savings Challenge. With this government shutdown, my family is affected. Reading about saving challenges like this helps us when things like this occur. They are always a good thing to try!

Learn how to save with this 52 Week Savings Challenge from There's a reverse savings challenge as well.

The Monday Box shared Chocolate Marshmallow Hearts. So cute! And delicious, I'm sure.

Chocolate Marshmallow Hearts

Rae's Books and Recipes shared a Cheesy Spaghetti Squash recipe. We are a fan of spaghetti squash in this house!

Most Featured:

Domestic Deadline shared these Crocheted Roses. Cute!

Easy Crocheted Roses

Thanks for stopping by!

Time to Party!!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Blogging tips