Saturday, April 4, 2020

Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Link Party 329

So many cute Easter posts coming up! I can't wait to celebrate with my little family! Enjoy!

Please follow your hosts on one or more Social Media Platforms.
We'd love to connect! Let us know you're following from the party. We'd love to follow you back!
We're excited to welcome Alexandra from Eye Love Knots to the party as our newest co-host! Please stop by and welcome her to the party! Be sure to follow her SM, too.
Each hostess chooses her own features, so be sure to stop by for a visit.
Beverly and Gloria
Across the Blvd
(Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram
Two Chicks and a Mom
(Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram)
Currently on Blogging Break
(Pin / FB / Instagram)
We'd love for you to add our party logo to your party page!

After you link up at the party, follow all of the co-hosts on Pinterest and then send an email request to join the board to Please include a link to your Pinterest Profile as well as the name of your blog.

Snickerdoodle Group Board Logo
Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Link Party Features
Features are pinned to our Party Board.
Please Pin From the Original Source.


Across the Boulevard shared this ADORABLE Easy Dollar Store Bunny Craft. 

Easter Bunny Craft. Yellow stuffed bunny with colorful eggs in a blue terra cotta pot.

Marilyn's Treats shared Banana Split Dump and Go Pie. Always has the most yummy recipes!

Banana Split Dump and Go Pie. NoBake, yummy, and all kinds of goodness in an Oreo Crust.

Claire Justine shared How To Make A Hot Cross Bun Bread and Butter Pudding. Oh my... delicious!

How To Make A Hot Cross Bun Bread And Butter Pudding

White House Crafts shared 19 Kids Crafts to Beat the Covid-19 Blues. Love this! My kiddos need more crafts!

Most Featured:

Debbee's Buzz shared Vintage Easter Table with Chocolate Rabbit Centerpiece. Cute!


Let others know you were featured by displaying our Featured Post Image on your blog.
Snickerdoodle Link Party featured post button

Party Guidelines
Guideline graphic for Snickerdoodle Blog Link Party


  1. Thank you all for co-hosting this weekly event! I am delighted to find my vintage Easter table most clicked from last week! Wow, such a lovely compliment. Happy Easter to all!

  2. Thank you for hosting the party. Happy Easter and be safe.


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