Saturday, August 22, 2020

Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Link Party #349


Happy Saturday! We have had so many fun, cute, creative and yummy posts on our parties! Thank you for sharing with us! Jon and I are celebrating 6 years of marriage today! We have a fun-filled day planned - hope your day is just as great!

Please follow your hosts on one or more Social Media Platforms.
We'd love to connect! Let us know you're following from the party. We'd love to follow you back!
We're excited to welcome Alexandra from Eye Love Knots to the party as our newest co-host! Please stop by and welcome her to the party! Be sure to follow her SM, too.
Please follow your hosts on one or more 
Social Media Platforms.
Each host chooses her own features, 

so be sure to stop by for a visit.

Beverly and Gloria

(Pin / Twitter FB / Instagram)


(Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram)


(Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram)



We'd love for you to add our party logo to your party page!

After you link up at the party, follow all of the co-hosts on Pinterest and then send an email request to join the board to Please include a link to your Pinterest Profile as well as the name of your blog.
Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Link Party Features
Features are pinned to our
Please Pin From the Original Source.


Treat N Trick shared this recipe for Pan Fried Honey Soy Chicken. Yum!

Pan Fried Honey Soy Chicken Recipe  @

The House on Silverado shared Mini Blueberry Pies. I will definitely take a mini pie all to myself! And we have fresh blueberries to use!

The Kitchen is My Playground shared How to Make Oreo Balls: Step-By-Step. These look amazing!

Plate of Classic Oreo Balls with One Cut in Half to Show Inside Image

My Recipe Treasures shared Easy Avocado Quinoa Salad. I love avocado, and always want new ways to try it! 

Easy Avocado Quinoa Salad

Most Featured:

Doodle Buddies shared this DIY Fall Wreath from Egg Tray. How creative and beautiful!

diy fall wreath

Let others know you were featured by displaying our Featured Post Image on your blog.

Party Guidelines

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Thanks so much for hosting each week!! Stay safe, healthy, happy!!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Thank you for featuring our Easy Avocado Quinoa Salad, and for hosting the party. Our links this wee are: #148, #149, & #150.

  3. Very helpful information and After finishing the Honey Baked Customer Opinion feedback at, MY honeybaked ham feedback you will receive a coupon code to redeem for free foods check out now.


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