Hey y'all!
We are all set up for Christmas in our house and it feels so nice! Oriental Trading was so awesome (again!) and sent us some adorable decorations. Like any Christmas decorations, we had a lot of fun putting them up. They have so many great decorations - it was hard to decide which ones to get. Rudolph to winter wonderland to religious items-- you can find whatever you're looking for.
The cute little Nordic Noel Nativity Playset pictured above is great if you have little ones! Our 18 month old can play with it and we don't have to worry one bit. He also thinks the camel and sheep make horse noises so it's fun when he plays with them.
These adorable nutcracker cups are fun for little ones, too! Parker enjoys playing them with when he isn't drinking out of them. Great little gifts for your friends' little kids, too. Unfortunately, these are no longer on the website. They have tons of great little Christmas cups for your kiddos though!
This is their Light-Up Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer® Wall Hanging. His nose lights up our kitchen! Parker insists on his nose being on at all times that we are at the house.
We also got this cute little snowman bowl! He's perfect for the center of our table and of course filled with goodies! Unfortunately, I could no longer find this on their website and it told me it has been discontinued. They have plenty of other cute little bowls just like him though!
Of course we can't forget the delicious treats sitting in our cute little snowman! Hershey's® Christmas Santa Snacks Chocolate Candy Assortment has 3 of our favorite treats. I'm definitely going to need to get more to keep it full!

Last but not least are these cute Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer® & Friends Window Clings! They are nice and big for your neighbors to see and who doesn't love Rudolph?! Parker had a lot of fun helping us clean the windows and put these up. He loves to have us open his blinds so he can see the ones on his bedroom window.
As always, Oriental Trading did not disappoint and we are looking forward to putting these decorations up every year! Make sure you check these out and their large selection at Oriental Trading.
Have a great Christmas season!

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