Thursday, June 30, 2022
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Welcome to our Funtastic Friday Link Party! Hope you find some great posts you like!
Yesterday we shared our journey of RAISING BACKYARD HENS and hope you will take a look. Leave any comments or questions you might have regarding this delightful (usually) adventure!
Please follow us on Social Media!
Donna & Staci @ Two Chicks and A Mom
Heidi@Building Our Hive
Michele @ CoastalBohemian
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Our Featured Picks from last week:
My $5 Auction Rug from Penny's Treasures
Heidi's pick:

Over 100 Easy Muffin Tin Lunch Ideas for Kids by Lambert's Lately.
Angela's Pick:

Quick & Easy Patriotic Mason Jars for Summer Parties by Hunny I'm Home
Michele's Pick:

Resin Alcohol Ink Paint Water Dish by Artsy-Fartsy Mama
Staci's Pick:

Easy Italian Meatball Sheet Pan Dinner Recipe by Blessed Simplicity
Congrats to all our featured bloggers.
Grab the Funtastic Friday button to include in your blog!
1. Post up to 4 links.
2. Family-friendly posts only.
3. Old posts are also welcome.
4. Comment on at least one post at the party.
5. Follow the hosts on as many platforms as you can.
Let's interact, comment, and enjoy one another's creativity while supporting all the link party blogs!
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enterHomemade Pasta Salad with Ranch Dressing
When the temperatures finally begin to match the time of the year we are in (say 95 degrees here in northern Nevada), I find cool and easy recipes to make. This is one recipe that I began making when my boys were quite young and I have always had compliments on it.
This Homemade Pasta Salad comes together quickly and it is one of those recipes that tastes better after a night in the fridge--so great for leftovers. Going to a family gathering or having a barbecue? Make it a day in advance! You could add bacon crumbles to it, add shredded rotisserie chicken to it, add some fresh peas or change the carrots to shreds of beautiful rainbow-hued carrots! Start with the basics and then make it your own!
One box of pasta of your choice (I usually use Rotini shells)
One can 15.5 oz black olives, pitted
Several large or 10 to 15 baby carrots
1/4 cup shredded parmesan cheese
Bottle of ranch dressing or make your own
Salt and pepper to taste
Optional: bacon crumbles/pieces; shredded chicken; other fresh vegetables
Cook pasta as per package directions. Pour into colander and cool by running cold water over pasta. Place strained, cooled pasta into a large mixing or serving bowl.
Thinly slice or shred the carrots and add to pasta. Drain the olives and add whole or can break into smaller pieces; add to pasta. Pour in ranch dressing (amount to your liking). Stir lightly to mix all ingredients. Add 1/4 cup (or more, this is your salad, not mine) of the shredded parmesan cheese and mix once more lightly. Give it a taste--needs salt or pepper? Add it! More ranch? Have at it!
Add a slice of crusty French bread and a piece of cool summer melon and there is a dinner fit for anyone who is too hot to cook lol.
Enjoy! Thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Raising Backyard Hens 101--Getting Back to Basics Part 1
I am not a poultry expert so please consult with others who might be if you decide to raise chickens. This is a condensed version of our first year as backyard chicken owners.
*Photo above: Eva, Hallie, Piety, and Annie Lou (all named after family grandmas or great-grandmas)
Getting back to basics is more than a trendy thing to do nowadays. For many, it is a necessity related to rising prices, food shortages, job loss, questionable ingredients in processed foods, and more factors.
For some, it can bring a feeling of independence and satisfaction. For others, it could be a hobby or bring a sense of relaxation to the day. Whatever your reason is, let's start with some "basics" that my family recently returned to--raising backyard chickens.
As a child, my maternal grandparents lived on a small farm in northern Florida and grew vegetables (I recall the okra vividly as it would poke me when I helped my grandpa pick it) and had chickens. We, too, while living in Jacksonville had several Silkie hens and roosters. I always enjoyed watching Henry, Herman, Henrietta, Sally, and Susie wander around our yard. Silkies, by nature, are gentle chickens and easily put up with my toting then around the yard. On a side note, our next door neighbor raised chickens as a living and i would often help him in my pre-school days in gathering eggs and probably just getting in the way. I am sure he sold the eggs, the chickens, and their meat but for my post today, I will just speak to raising chickens for eggs and pleasure. My girls are my girls and they aren't going in my soup pot!
We purchased 4 chicks in Spring of 2021, two Black Barred Rock and two Red Sex Link. All four were hens (often can't tell till later) which was good as we didn't want babies and in the city limits, you can't have roosters. Make sure you check your city ordinances for how many hens you can have, if you can or can't have roosters, building specifications for coops or feet away from other neighbors, etc. Better to be informed than surprised!
Make sure you confer with someone who has chickens already or do online research so you are prepared before obtaining your little flock. We simply used a storage bin, an overhead warming light, straw, and feeder/waterer to care for them as days-old chicks. Until they are fully-feathered, you want to keep the little ones warm and not allow them outdoors at cold temps. We got out girls in early April and after a few weeks we let the spend some time in the sunshine during the day but placed a wire dog kennel over them so they could peck at the grass and bugs but be safe. Fully feathered chickens depend on the breed but no more downy heads (fluffy butts okay lol) and can happen from 4 to 8 weeks or more, depending on the breed. Take into account the climate and current weather for your area, too.
Don't forget the feed! Your local feed store can help you choose the correct protein level, etc. for your chicks to start on, medicated or non-medicated, etc. Some may recommend powdered electrolytes to add to their water, especially if they get "pasty butt". It's a thing and can be concerning if not treated.
While those girls were growing and feathering, we purchased a chicken coop online from Tractor Supply. My husband assembled it and added some primer to it but I never got around to painting it a trendy color lol. Look for a coop that has plenty of room for each chicken--you don't want them on top of each other and since they usually spend the evenings in there, be considerate. A minimum of 2 to 3 sq. ft. per chicken in the coop is advised. Some breeds are just bulkier chickens and some are smaller (bantam) size and may not need as much room. I would advise that they can stretch their wings and move from one area of the coop to another without stepping on each other but no guarantees there.
There are various methods for roosting and sleeping for your flock and keeping them warm and dry. Our coop has a small space between the side wall and the roof so there is ventilation for the chickens, which is important. Just big enough for fresh air to circulate.
We add straw to our coop floor so the chickens have that for warmth and also a soft place to lay their eggs. It also is used for making a mess lol. Again, there are various methods and materials that can be used for comfort and warmth--I will add links to this post so you can check into those.
Fluffy butts!
My husband added in a steel dog run for the girls to use during the day when they are out of the coop. Ignore the tarp--that goes up when it rains. The kennel is 6' tall by 10" long by 4' wide so they 4 ladies have room to dust bathe, forage, roost, and whatever else they do. Look around online and speak to others about what they do for protection and space.
Some prefer to let their chickens free-range during the day or all the time and just have a very basic coop setup. I have been working from home so I have the luxury of letting the girls out into our backyard several times a day to free-range for worms, bugs, and weeds. I feel better since I am home and have a listening ear (unless I am with a patient) but I will say that I am a worrier. Most people may not worry about their chickens as much as some of us do.
The ladies just got their tails in this photo below!
We have a nice backyard and I will tell you this--chickens will eat or destroy anything. I found that out last winter when I discovered my succulent patch, that had been thriving for over 20 years, was no more. Fair warning to all! Our coop and run is in a side yard and since I am in the process of planting new succulents, I still let them free-range in the backyard, till I have a plan for adding my succulents. After that, it's the side yard strictly for them.
We have also planted a chicken garden, just for them. While not in this photo, the upper righthand corner in this pic is where we have planted a little patch of greens and herbs that our girls enjoying feasting on.
This is the color of egg that all four of our hens lay, pretty much each day. Many breeds will slow down in the cooler months and you might not get any eggs somedays. This is a photo of the very first egg that one of our ladies laid and she sure let us know it! So loud--we had to run outside and see what was happening. The shade varies a bit, sometimes darker, sometimes a bit more light.
Here are some websites that have been helpful to me on my flock journey:
If you decide to add a few chickens into your lifestyle, I suggest adding at least two so they have a friend. You can always add a couple of more as you go!
Thursday, June 16, 2022
Let's get right to this week's link party!
Meet Your
Please follow us on Social Media!
Donna & Staci @ Two Chicks and A Mom
Heidi@Building Our Hive
Michele @ CoastalBohemian
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Our Featured Picks from last week:
How to Make Your Own Hanging Flower Bags from Anns Entitled Life
Heidi's pick:
Hibiscus Lemonade from Flour On My Face
Michele's pick:
Old Fashioned Orange Cake from Organized Island
Staci's pick:
4th of July Jell-o Cupcakes from Fat Dad Foodie
Angela's pick:
No Bake Oreo Cheesecake in a Jar from Powered by Mom
Congrats to all our featured bloggers.
Grab the Funtastic Friday button to include in your blog!
1. Post up to 4 links.
2. Family-friendly posts only.
3. Old posts are also welcome.
4. Comment on at least one post at the party.
5. Follow the hosts on as many platforms as you can.
Let's interact, comment, and enjoy one another's creativity while supporting all the link party blogs!
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enterThursday, June 9, 2022
Your hosts for Funtastic Friday:
Please follow us on Social Media!
Donna@ Two Chicks and A Mom
Heidi@Building Our Hive
Michele @ CoastalBohemian
| Linkedin |BL |
Cherry Crumb Bars by Crystal and Co
1. Post up to 4 links.
2. Family-friendly posts only.
3. Old posts are also welcome.
4. Comment on at least one post at the party.
5. Follow the hosts on as many platforms as you can.
We are your online friends. Let's interact, comment, and enjoy one another while supporting each other.
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter
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