This is an update to an original post that I shared in 2017.
Two Chicks and a Mom were not compensated financially by to include a link to their site but they did share our post on social media.
you ever wondered about tackling college again (or technical school)?
Do you have a lot of questions regarding doing that? Maybe you don't
think you have the money or it's been too long since you were in high
school or college and you aren't sure you can still keep up with the
Here's some tips that might be helpful. I returned to school and am now currently working towards my Master's degree.
Decide if a degree, certificate, or higher education is what you REALLY
want. Are you ready to seek a better job? Are the kids in high school
and will be leaving home over the next few years? Want to get back
into the work force with a better edge? Decide what YOU want to do and
Do you have a set degree in mind? If not but you still are wanting to
get a degree, colleges have counselors who can assist you with choosing a
degree program. Perhaps an aptitude test would be helpful. Talk to
people who are in the career-field you have in mind to get an idea of
what is entailed in that job (talk to teachers, nurses, beauticians,
social workers--whatever you have considered doing in the past).
Do you want to attend classes on-campus or online? Some people do
better with the structure that on-campus classes offer, while others are
fine with online classes and are able to discipline themselves to stay
on task. Many colleges offer online degrees, while some may require you
attend certain classes on-campus. If you already have an Associate's
degree or Bachelor's degree and are ready to move forward to a higher
degree, many universities offer the next step completely online. I
received my RN-BSN degree by doing online classes at
it was totally affordable! They offer Nursing, Education, and Business
classes. Recently, I felt that I wanted to do something a little
different with my Nursing career so I am working on my Master's of
Education degree in Health and Wellness through
This school offers Master's of Education degrees, a Doctorate of
Education, and several certificates as well. It is so affordable (less
than $8000 for my degree) and I should be done in 14 to 15 months. Make
sure you attend an accredited college.

Concerned about paying for school? Check with the college counselor
regarding scholarships. Do an online search to find scholarships
related to your field or situation. As a nursing student, I received
scholarships from the local hospital auxiliary, a grant from the state
due to a nursing shortage, and a private scholarship offered to women of
Nevada. Some employers will pay all or part of your tuition, even for
spouses--check with your Human Resources for information. Past military
service may make you eligible for the GI Bill. School loans are always
available, too, either privately or through the government. When in doubt, always do an Internet search for scholarships or grants--you never know what you might turn up yourself!

If you have a family, schedule time to have a meeting and let them know
of your plans. Going back to school is a big step and a lot of
work--it will affect your family! Things won't be the same with Mom (or
Dad) having class work to do or being gone to classes in the evening.
Make sure everyone is aware of the changes and that you will still be
there for them but you will need some support, too. At the beginning of
each semester, we would have a family meeting so that everyone was
aware of my schedule and what days I would be out of town (my nursing
classes and clinicals took place almost two hours away from my town).
Every week, I made sure everyone knew who was picking up Ali and
Staci--Grandma and older brother Aaron were a big help.

Don't stress! Nothing is etched in stone and if you decide you need to
step back from your schooling, do so! No degree is worth your health
or the well-being of your loved ones! It's okay. I left nursing school
for a year as my mom was not doing well (she passed away during my year
off) and Ali was only 4 and missed me. It worked out and I was glad I
took the year off. Talk to the school administrators--they want to
help you succeed!

am not an expert in returning to school but since I do have experience,
I just wanted to share what I have learned over the years. If you have
any questions, you can either comment or email me--our link is over in
the right-hand side bar. When I originally posted this in 2017, I was just starting my Master's degree at American College of Education. Now, one year later, I will finish up in 2 to 3 months--not bad and am excited for what my future will bring! has a helpful review on Noise-canceling Headphones. If you are looking for something to help you focus on your school work while blocking out outside sounds (or providing ambient noise), then check out their list and review of the Best Noise-canceling Headphones!
Thanks for stopping by!