Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Farewell for Now, Cola

We bid a tearful, loving and painful farewell to our sweet girl, Cola, on June 6, 2024.
Cola has been fighting Anal Gland Adenocarcinoma since last Spring. After 3 surgeries and chemo, the cancer returned twice. Cola only had one chemo infusion as when we took her back for the second infusion, the mass was already back. After discussing with her vet, we decided to not continue with treatment for Cola. We choose to keep her comfortable and gave her a pain med as prescribed by the vet and also some supplements as issues presented. Cola had another almost 4 months with her loving family and her owner, our son.

We adopted Cola from the local shelter in December of 2014, when she was about 7 months old. She had been in the shelter for 2 to 3 months and my son and daughter would drive up to visit her almost every day. Finally, they got the go-ahead to adopt her from Dad and me. Only if she could be groomed first, as she was a greasy, dirty little thing. She was so happy to have my kids visit her at the shelter that I think she knew we were supposed to be her new family.

Cola loved the patio swing. Photo cred Ali A.

Cola actually came to Nevada from New Zealand. She was born there, and her original owner did all that needed to be done to bring here her. Not sure why, Burning Man is one guess, lol. Anyway, he seemed to have taken great care of her and the shelter had a leash, collar, toys, etc. that were hers. I think she thought we spoke funny initially.

Cola was always ready for a walk or two or three and especially loved hikes up the canyon. She loved her Milk Bone dental chew each morning after her "morning constitutional" and would run down the hall to the family room to enjoy that Milk Bone.  Cola loved it when she saw I had a bowl of cereal. She would move closer and closer as I finished up, hoping that I would leave some milk and a couple of morsels of cereal for her. How could I not with those pleading eyes and happy, wagging tail?

Cola and Teddy. Photo credit Eric W.

Cola loved her family and her fur siblings. Our girl was always ready for a drive or whatever our family was up to. My son was so good to walk, play, and photograph her. She loved mozzarella sticks and whipped cream from the can. One of her favorite things was to sit next to one of her beloved family members. 

My favorite photo of our girl. Photo credit Eric W.

We had to make a difficult decision a few days ago but feel it was the right one. The vet assured us that we had done so much for Cola and letting her go was the last loving things we could do for her. Saying goodbye isn't easy and never will be. Knowing Cola isn't uncomfortable any longer brings peace of mind, but our hearts will always hold grief and love for this sweet girl. 

I will close with this writing, that was sent to us when our dog Remy passed away. I find it very appropriate and comforting.


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